The Creativity Formula


The Creativity Formula will take you through the latest scientific findings of how you can use your brain to think more creatively and come up with better ideas more easily and quickly. The book will explain:

  • How to instantly ‘switch on’ your creativity
  • Why traditional brainstorming is bollocks
  • How exposing yourself to certain types of images can significantly boost your creativity
  • Why your physical environment may be killing your creativity
  • And much much more.

Would you like to learn 50 scientifically proven ways to improve your creativity?

The Creativity Formula does just that. This book is a collection of 50 methods that have been scientifically proven to instantly increase your creativity – no matter how creative or uncreative you currently perceive yourself to be. You will find over 100 practical ways that will immediately increase your creativity both at work and in life.

“From Arizona to Newcastle, this book does what few do: it integrates cutting edge science with the soft side of creativity. Best of all, it will call your bluff and help you realise that anyone (even you) can be creative.” – Seth Godin, author, Tribes

Learn how to instantly switch on your creativity, and many other powerful techniques