Goodreads co-founder Elizabeth Khuri Chandler on how she plans for unstructured time and spontaneity

My guest today is Elizabeth Khuri Chandler. Elizabeth is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Goodreads, a website that helps people find and share books they love. Goodreads has over 90 million members and was acquired by Amazon in 2013.

Elizabeth is also the host of the podcast Books of Your Life with Elizabeth, in which she interviews some of the most creative people in the world about books that have had an impact on their life.

In this interview, we cover:
  • How Elizabeth uses calendars to organise her life
  • Elizabeth’s approach to prioritisation
  • The role unstructured time plays in Elizabeth’s life
  • How Elizabeth overcomes writer’s block
  • How to write well
  • How to write a great headline
  • Where she gets her best book recommendations from
  • How she prepares for interviews
  • Where her best ideas com from.
You can listen to Elizabeth’s podcast Books of Your Life right here.